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This is a project made for study. The task was to create an advertisment
to an existing or non-existing product. We, Eugen Schaefer, Michael Schaller and me, decided to produce a trailer for a movie which does not
(yet) exist. The story of this movie deals with a man called Deathfighter
who is on a mission to cleanse the world from the remaining humans
before they kill themselves.

The trailer is largeley inspired by cheap post-apocalyptic movies from
the eighties and early nineties and by the grindhouse-project from
Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez.

Deathfighter Poster

We created two versions of the trailer. The long version, which is the original version, and a short
version, which was shown during a one-minute movie festival.

Since we didn't find any music that pleased us, I composed our own soundtrack to fit to the post-
apocalyptic retro-look of the trailer.

The long version of the trailer can be watched here:

Deathfighter Trailer

(C) Thomas Kuhn, 2011